I am on part II of my adventure. I am now driving across the country. My big brother (being the saint that he is) flew to California to drive the first part with me. We drove from LA to Grand Junction, CO the first day...that was a long one! I started to go a little batty about 11PM.
Some highlights:
Lunch in Vegas: we ate at the Paris Hotel's restaurant (Fred's recommendation) and watched the water show in front of the Bellagio Hotel.
A traffic jam in Death Valley that put us at a complete stop in the middle of the desert (thank goodness my air conditioning worked!)
Multiple traffic jams from partial road closings in the desert.
Driving up the rocky mountains entering Colorado (pictures on Flickr to follow!
From there we had a short trip to Castle Rock, CO to stay with my cousin Lara and her two little girls.
Some highlights:
They took us to a Rockies game! And, lucky for us, the Rockies won with a grand slam in the 8th inning.
My brother being overwhelmed by little girls in pink and purple dancing all around him to Miley Cyrus playing over and over.
Lexi (5 years old) dropping ice cream on Victoria (7 years old). Victoria looked at Brendon and says "And that is why you don't need little sisters."
Lexi scooping ice cream at the game then trying to dance with it in her hand...Brendon lost track of where the ice cream landed!
Lexi being very over tired and claiming "no one likes me" to which we all broke out in song "Nobody likes me everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms" (we laughed..she did not)
The next day we drove all day to arrive at our cousins (from the other side of the family) in Brandon, SD.
Some highlights:
Following a storm just to the left of the car for most of the day and then having it hit us after we got to our cousins house.
Remembering I did not get my suitcase out of the car after it started to thunder and lightning
Blair and Valerie have a 5-month-old little boy named Landry. I got him laughing so hard he sounded like a little squeak toy. It was awesome!
We had time to catch up with them and meeting the newest addition to the family!
Blair made us breakfast the next morning...Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage as well as coffee and juice. It was delicious!
We got some much needed exercise in hot muggy weather.
From there we took the short drive to MN to my grandma's house.
Highlights so far:
There was a great rainstorm just as we entered the twin cities and we almost couldn't see the car in front of us.
My Aunt and uncle and my two cousins came over for dinner.
Caleb saying a prayer in my honor to send me safely to Korea.
My grandma making a delicious meal (As always)
Running along the lake this morning
Meeting with Jill (a friend met on my trip to Tanzania) where I went to one Caribou Coffee and she the other...only to end up at the one we always go to.
Laughing and telling stories with my auntie Barb
Sharing the book Marla made me from all the kids at Chadwick with all my family.
Unfortunately today I had to take my brother to the airport (some people work over the summer) and will have to continue tomorrow on my own (oh dear!)
From here I head to just outside Chicago to visit my uncle John and Aunt Kathy. The next morning I drive 10 hours to Buffalo, NY. I will get up early the next morning to visit Niagara Falls for the first time, then drive home.
Hopeful highlights:
Seeing my aunt and uncle
Seeing parts of the country I have never seen
Driving through 5 states in one day (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York)
Seeing Niagara Falls
Getting home and not having to drive anymore!!! (until I go to Boston for a Sox game woo hoo!)
Having Mandy visit for the weekend!
Sounds like an amazing trip so far! Can't wait to hear all about it! Miss you!