Saturday, March 19, 2011

Catching up

This blog goes ignored for quite a while. Sorry for that! Sometimes I can't believe I can be so busy! I try to keep in contact with people at home but the best I can do is two quick skype calls to Mom and dad and then to Manda on Sunday mornings before church. My apologies to all those I have not been able to email lately. I am working on it I promise. Okay, now for an update on Korea life.

Since returning from Christmas lots has happened. We have had a ton of days off which has been a big difference from the stint before Christmas when I worked from Sept. to Dec. without any days off. We celebrated Korean New Year and we got to do a PD on teaching the IB PYP. Admissions season came and went. I was made "director of elementary admissions" although I'm not sure how much that title holds haha. I did kindergarten admissions. It was different from doing it in PV since I was working with ESL children. It made the experience very interesting. There were many similarities and many differences.

We had valentines day and the 100th day of school. I tried running the 100th day similar to the one run at Chadwick. It was hard to prepare without Marla, Katy and Lauren there to help. I did pull it off and the parents loved it (I think) but we had so many activities that the school had planned in the afternoon that we could only hold the 100th day centers in the morning...the kids didn't get to do much. Live and learn. Now I know for next year to extend it. I forgot the explanation to the parents (who are also ESL) would take longer. They were great though, and had fun joining in with their kids.

We have the first of March off for another Korean holiday and I finally got to go hiking with a friend. Unfortunately it snowed that morning so we had to do one of the smaller mountains so it was more of a snow walk than a hike, but at least it is a start!

Of course the most recent excitement was my cousin visiting. It was a piece of home in Korea. Unfortunately she began and ended her trip throwing up but the middle part was really great! We went all over Seoul, Incheon, and Songdo. I'm not sure who was more tired my jet-lagged cousin or me! It was great, we did sight seeing and of course tons of shopping. Even though she does not eat spicy food she got a good taste of a variety of Korean food including eating Poop. haha.

I just finished report cards, I leave for EARCOS in Kota Kinabalu on Tuesday night. I will be there five days and even get to see Jeff Ravine who used to teach at Chadwick in PV. I return late Sunday night and wake up to Parent/teacher conferences on Monday and Tuesday. Then I have about two weeks of teaching before mom and dad arrive and we head off to Bali on spring break.

So basically I will continue to be busy haha!

Here is the update so far. Hope everyone is doing well!

(as a side note, no we did not feel the earthquake and at the moment the wind is head the other direction so we are not in danger of radiation stuff yet either. The news is watching it closely of course as is our school. Stay safe!)


  1. Thanks for the update. Good to hear you're safe. Great to hear you're loving it and having such a remarkable experience. Say 'hola' to Jefito. Besitos to you, Jessiquita.

  2. absolutely Jess! It will be weird without you there...Hope all is well with you! Miss you!

  3. So great you did 100th day centers with parents. That was very brave! Did you have a Zero the Hero? Thanks for the newsy update. Hope EARCOS is fun. Say hi to Jeff and Marla. Let us know what you learn :-). Miss you.

  4. I did not have a "Zero the Hero" I thought about it and even chose Jorge to do it but did not have time to make a costume haha. Next year for sure!

    Jeff and Marla say hi to you all! So great to see them!
